Here are a few things I've noticed she is doing or learning, some of her favorites and other interesting facts about my precious daughter, Nataleigh:
She is learning to roll over, wave bye-bye/hi and clap..and it's super cute!
She can pass toys from one hand to the other. She has leaned that she can use one object to bang against another to make loud noises and it makes her laugh.
She can stand holding onto someone's hand or against furniture.
She is starting to pick up puffs with her finger and thumb.
Her hair is long enough (well the top part is at least) to put in a ponytail!
Her favorite toy right now is her Baby Einstein music toy...she just loves it.
She is starting to babble a lot more and says da, ma, na, pa,
Nataleigh sits well and keeps herself entertained.
Foods she has tried this month include: sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, oatmeal and bananas.
Her favorite time of the day is bath time...she just loves to splash in the water!
When she eats she loves to look around and take in everything that is happening around her so it takes her a little longer to eat.
She loves to play horsey on your leg/lap and can do it by herself!
She can stand from a sitting position on my leg or her flower chair holding onto someone's hand.
She doesn't have stranger anxiety!