About Me

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Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nataleigh 19 months

Well my little girl is getting so big!  She has so much personality...I just love it!  Here are some updates on her.

Stats: Nataleigh weighs 24 lbs and is about half my height...but when we went to her 18 month checkup I was distracted and didn't see how tall she was...I will figure this out soon!

Diapers:  Well we were doing both but yesterday she complained a lot and it seems she doesn't like how the cloth diapers make her feel anymore so Nate & I talked it over and she is going to be in disposable permanently until we potty train her.  She likes to sit on her potty but doesn't go on it but I fee like we are making progress.  She also tells us when she goes poop...I love it!

Clothes: Nataleigh wears 18 month stuff and is in a size 5 shoe...I can't believe how fast her feet grow...it's crazy!

Teeth:  Nataleigh has a mouth full!  I believe she has 6 teeth on the top and 6 on the bottom.  More to come too!

Food:  Nataleigh loves to eat what we eat.  We used to cut up her food into small pieces but now that she understands the concept of chewing we don't break the food up as much now...she prefers to bite it off little by little.  She still isn't a very picky eater which we are super thankful for!  She loves to eat bananas and yogurt...she will go to the fridge around snack time and open and point and say, "Gurt!  Gurt!"  It is just so stinkin' cute!  She loves to drink milk...we switched from organic 2% to just regular 2%.  She also loves her juice.  I cut it in half so she doesn't get as much sugar.

Sleep:  Nataleigh still sleeps in her crib but we are hoping to transition into her big girl bed soon.  She has already taken a tumble over the side so I need to find some bed rails for it.  She sleeps through the night most nights unless she is teething or isn't feeling very well or if we have been traveling and her schedule is off it takes her a night or two to get back to normal but it's not back.  She usually goes down between 815-845 and will wake up around 700-800.  On average she usually gets 10-11 hours of sleep a night.  She also takes a daily nap.  I usually lay her down around 1230 and she will wake up around 330.  This is super helpful right now especially while I am pregnant because that means I can get a good long nap in too!

Motor Skills: Nataleigh has been using the Your Baby Can Read program since August 2010 and is doing really well.  She can read 10-12 words and can probably say near 50 words.  She is picking up on what people say and will often repeat simple phrases back....the one she loves the most is: "I'll be back!"  She has been saying this more a month or so now.  She also was around when we were watching a movie and it said, "this sucks," and she repeated it so now we have to really be careful what she hears.  She is also learning to do puzzles and is getting better by the day.  She likes to color with crayons which we just started practicing with.  When she eats she likes to use her utensils but is still mastering this skill.

Likes: At nap time she loves to hold her baby in one arm and the seahorse in the other.  She loves to watch her Meet the Colors video and the other series of videos from the Your Baby Can Read collection.  She loves loves loves books.  She also likes to help me vacuum but doesn't know how to push the vacuum yet....she gets pretty excited around it though :D  Her favorite body part is her belly button or eyes...she is always playing with them.  Nataleigh also still sucks her thumb which we are going to break her of this habit after the baby comes...she still needs that security we feel and it helps soothe her when she is upset and tired.  She also loves to play peek-a-boo, she loves to play with Daddy and be chased by him or anyone.

Dislikes: She HATES when I leave her in the nursery at church on Sundays, during Bible Study on Tuesdays and Mom2Mom on Thursdays.  She is forming separation anxiety and there isn't a whole lot I can do about it and I know she is fine after a few moments but when I leave she usually will throw herself on the floor and throw a huge fit....we are working on this one!  She doesn't like when I turn off her video after she has watched it once..she could probably watch it all day long but I want her to play with other things and learn other stuff.

Here are some pictures I recently took of her but I am planning on taking more!

This last one is my favorite!

Well that is all for now!  Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. My first niece :) Oh how I love her!!

    Hey, what did Nataleigh weigh around 5-6 months?
