What fruit are you: turnip (5", 5oz)
How far along: 17 weeks
Next appointment: 3-9
Gender: I'm leaning towards boy right now. My reason is that my bump is going out and I'm not getting wide. That's the only backing I have for my educated guess.
Total weight gain/loss: 9 lbs total (must have been hungry this week 😳)
Exercise: walking, exercise ball to help strength abs & back and it also helps with the sciatic pain I'm starting to feel already!
Stretch marks: no new ones. Some of my older ones are slowing fading I've been using a homemade lotion and it's working 😃
Swelling: none yet but I bet I will come May in the lovely FL humidity.
Maternity clothes: mainly pants. I'm in this inbetween stage right now and maternity shirts look huge on me for the most part so I'm trying to wear loose fitting flowier tops.
Belly button: inny
Sleep: pretty good. Kids have been waking up in the night a few times and then I have to pee sometimes.
Food aversion/cravings: the aversions are starting to go away. I'm loving pickles and Cuban sandwiches, also my wintergreen mints to help for the nausea (which is slowly going away too!!) hopefully only 1.5 more weeks of the nausea then I can stop taking my meds!
Symptoms: bump alert! Nausea & tired
Movement: I think I felt one more since the two times last week. Looking forward to feeling BB3 kick & punch more. Always one of my favorite things about being pregnant!
Labor signs: none
What I miss: not feeling so emotional.
What I am loving: hearing the baby's heartbeat yesterday. My midwife Amy had a hard time finding it and in my head I was praying let there be a heartbeat Lord!!! Thankfully she found it 😍
What I am looking forward to: my big anatomy scan in a couple of weeks. I look forward to seeing the baby and how God has formed him/her and the developments that have taken place just blow my mind!!!
Best moment of the week: planning our trip to MI!!!! So excited to come home and see family, spend quality time together and even meet my niece Rylee and nephew Colin! Most importantly spending time with my Grandpa who has end stage Alzheimer's and was put on hospice a couple months ago but his health has gone downhill fast. Praying God would allow me to spend time with him.
Milestones: made it another week and starting to feel better!
News: I guess I broke the news earlier with our plans to come to MI
Goals: start drinking more water and eating less mints....don't need to empty calories.
Weekly wisdom: stay hydrated and choose healthy portions.
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