About Me

My photo
Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

36 week survey

Due date: 7-28-15
What fruit/vegetable are you: head of romaine lettuce (6 lbs & 18 1/2")
How far along: 36 weeks
Next appointment: Friday 7/3
Gender: still a surprise 
Total weight gain/loss: 40 lbs
Exercise: not much swimming here and there. It's just so hot out now I get overheated very easily 😩
Stretch marks: no new ones
Swelling: not much just some in my hands and ankles
Maternity clothes: of course! 
Belly button: flat but I doubt it will poke out. It didn't with my previous 2 pregnancies 
Sleep: sleeping ok. I haven't taken Unisom in a few weeks. I mainly try to get comfortable with my 10 million pillows
Food aversion/cravings: I'm loving it all. 
Symptoms: large baby bump, I waddle when I walk, weight gain, food cravings, frequent trips to the bathroom, insomnia and other symptoms 
Movement: yes and hurting more. Baby has been head down for several weeks.
Labor signs: I lost my mucous plug on 6/30 when I took the kids to the movies that day. 
What I miss: having a normal appetite and sleeping how I want. 
What I am loving: we had maternity pictures taken on 6/30 and look forward to sharing them with everyone. 
What I am looking forward to: spending quality time with Nate as he has been busy at clinicals in Hudson. 
Best moment of the week: maternity pics and all the time we got to spend with Nate. 4th of July was fun but the thunderstorms kept us from watching the fireworks this year. 
Milestones: making it another week!
News: none
Goals: let's see how long I can carry our surprise baby!
Weekly wisdom: keep drinking to stay hydrated. 

Happy 4th of July from our family to yours!  At the parade in Celebration, FL. 

My adorable children! ❤️ them

Well that's all for now! Till next time!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

35 weeks 35 days left!!!

Due date:7/28/15
What fruit are you: honey dew melon (5 1/4lbs & 18-22")
How far along: 35 weeks
Next appointment: Friday 6/26/15
Gender: surprise still but my guess is a boy
Total weight gain/loss: 37 lbs
Exercise: not much 
Stretch marks: yes but not sure if I have any new ones
Swelling: not really which I'm surprised by. 
Maternity clothes: of course!
Belly button: pretty flat
Sleep: good. Getting up twice a night now for the most part. 
Food aversion/cravings: Popsicles, meat, pickles
Symptoms: growing pump, increased frequency of using the bathroom, increasing pressure down near my lady parts. 
Movement: yes. Feels like an arm could come out!
Labor signs: dilated 1-2cm as of 2 weeks ago probably further along now is my guess. Contractions here and there. 
What I miss: sleeping flat and not peeing frequently. 
What I am loving: getting closer and closer to the due date. A few weeks ago I didn't think I was going to make it this far. 
What I am looking forward to: maternity pictures soon then when the big moment happens. 
Best moment of the week: seeing Inside Out as a family and celebrating Father's Day with my honey. 
Milestones: 35/35! Can't believe in around 35 days we are going to have another baby!
News: no new news.
Goals: would like to make it another week till after Nate takes his test Friday 7/3 to have the baby. We'll see!
Weekly wisdom: rest, drink and take care of you.

N's attempt 
A's attempt 

Went to lunch with my friend Emily (we went to x-Ray school together). Her family was vacationing in FL. So great to catch up with her!

Well that's all for now! Till next time!!

Baby Buchinger #3 Surprise Baby Sprinkle

While I was home visiting family in March, my sister-in-law Megan had organized a surprise sprinkle for me. I keep forgetting to do a post about it so here it is! The sprinkle was on Saturday, March 21, 2015 (I just so happened to be 21.5 weeks along!)

It was lovely and I was so excited she used stuff I made and the theme was hot air balloons like the nursery! She used the color palates I have picked out as well! She even invited some of my girlfriends along with family (Kendyl, Holly, Sarah, Hannah & Rachel, mom, Dorothy & Anne)

Here are some pictures of the fun event
My reaction! Totally surprised 😳😍

Presents for a game. You had to come up with a gift that is in the baby with the certain letter on the bag. It was very fun and I have never heard of it before!

Some of the prints I made that Megan printed off. 

The gifts and scrumptious cake from Zhenders!

Playing games

Yummy food Megan found off my blog entries about cravings and aversions!

Table decor pics

Pictures showing my growing baby bump and ultrasound pics.

Hot air balloon layette and baby blanket made by mom and GG.

Kendyl & I

The bump

I love all of these women!!!!

Dressed for church the next day. Love the sign!

Again, I am so grateful and thankful to my family & friends for blessing us and making us feel so loved and special! 

Well that's all for now! Till next time!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nataleigh's Dance Recital

Nataleigh has worked very hard this last year practicing for her first recital. On Sunday, mom, Nate & I traveled to the Lakeland Theater to watch our girl perform! When the performances started I was impressed with the dances and got emotional. I know Nataleigh has been practicing a lot and working on mastering certain moves that she has struggled with and also she has been working on her timing. When the little Strawberry Shortcake girls took the stage I was so proud of my girl! She did am excellent job and did not miss a step. I cried with joy and was so proud of her!!! Here are a few pics from the day. 
Dress rehearsal the day before

Doing her makeup.

On our way

Love her face here!

With Nana

Daddy, Nataleigh & Mommy

 Love my girl! 

Mom & I waiting for the show to begin

Nate & I

Nataleigh with her friend Melissa after the recital


Ballerina necklace from Nana

I did it!

The ballerina bear Nana got her too! 

Had such a great time! We ordered the DVD of the performance and look forward to watching it and sharing it with our families. 

Well that is all for now! Till next time!!

New Rotation

Nate started another rotation on Monday in Hudson. He likes it so far with the exception that the hospital is 1 hr 40 mins away from us. This means he has to stay at housing away from us during the week since he has to be oncall here and there. 

He said the staff is very nice and the CRNAs or anesthesiologists stay in the room but let them do their own thing. They are there if they have questions as well. He likes this much better than the last two clinical sites. 

He has been doing mainly ortho cases so far. The size of the hospital is comparable to Allegiance Health in Jackson. 

The last 3 months he did special rotations including neuro, cardiac and OB (he liked OB the best out of the 3). On one of his night shift rotations he was able to do a liver transplant from start to finish taking 11.5 hours! He said it was interesting. 

Just trying to document more of his clinical experience. 

That's all for now! Till next time!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

34 week survey

Due date: 7/28/15
What fruit are you: pineapple (4.9lbs 19-22")
How far along: 34 weeks
Next appointment: 6/26/15
Gender: I'm leaning towards boy
Total weight gain/loss: 37lbs
Exercise: walking a little bit and swimming
Stretch marks: I think I found a couple new ones but it honestly doesn't matter bc I already have a bunch.
Swelling: in my feet, ankles and fingers
Maternity clothes: you bet!
Belly button: getting very flat and pushing out at different times of the day (usually after meals)
Sleep: pretty good still only waking up once a night for the most part.
Food aversion/cravings: loving salty stuff and ice cream/Popsicles
Symptoms: large baby bump, waddling is now my gait.
Movement: getting more painful as baby gets bigger
Labor signs: lots of Braxton Hicks, increased mucous but nothing serious
What I miss: sleeping flat
What I am loving: just spent the last couple of days with my mom and had a wonderful time! We even finished the hot air balloons for the mobile!!
What I am looking forward to: my chiropractor appt this morning. It's been months!
Best moment of the week: tackling and completing the mobile last project I had to do before baby B#3 comes!
Milestones: making it another week closer to the due date. I'm hoping this baby will be my non-issue baby once he/she is here.
News: Nate started another new rotation yesterday in Hudson, FL so when I go into labor he'll most likely be 1 hr 45 mins away from home. Thankful for our doula Clarissa, who is going to be a support person for me 😃
Goals: keep food portions in check...this is the point where weight gain can spiral out of control.
Weekly wisdom: water water water is my friend!

Well that's all for now! Till next time!!