About Me

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Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

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Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

Introducing.....Adam David

 I'm really behind on posting Adam's birth story but a lot has been going on and the kiddos only take so many naps so I can only do so much during that time!  Anyways here it is:

On Wednesday March 9th, I went to my OB appt and found out my appt was suppose to be the next day but I asked them if there was any way they could squeeze me in and see me so I wouldn't have to come back the next day since I had a babysitter watching Nataleigh.  They said sure it just might take a while...so I was preparing to sit for an hour at least because when I usually have my appts I have to wait it seems like 15mins every time but that is all I had to sit and wait this time so I was thrilled.  According to the doctors, I was 38 weeks and 5 days and according to me, I was 39 weeks 4 days.  So the midwife checked my cervix and I was dilated to 4 but she could stretch me to a 5 so she said if it was alright with you I am going to stretch you a little and get things going.  I agreed and it was a little uncomfortable but she was right, it did get things started. 

Now I had a trend going on, for the last 2 times I got checked I would end up in the hospital that night with contractions and then I would be sent home...well not this time.  She told me that she was technically not suppose to even let me go home but she did and then told me that if I started having contraction that were 7-10 mins apart to go straight to L&D.  Well, I went home after the appt and did some cleaning and about an hour after she checked me I started having contractions....except for they were 5 mins apart!  I was like uh oh...I called Nate because he was getting his hair cut and I told him what was happening and he told me to see if my mom could watch Nataleigh so I did just that.  I got on the phone with my mom and asked if she would be willing to call into work because I was for sure I was going to have the baby that night or the next morning.  She said she could watch her for me and got to our apartment around 4:20ish.  By now my contractions were 4 mins apart.  I texted Nate and said they were getting stronger and were closer… we need to get going to the hospital.  I finished packing my bags and then we were off. 

We got to the hospital and I could barely walk.  I was having contractions that lasted about 1-1.5 mins and they were about 3.5 mins apart.  We parked in the back where Nate usually parks and I walked in but I could only get so far because they were so painful, luckily there was a wheelchair right there and Nate got it for me and we were on our way FAST to L&D.  Once we got to the elevator, my emotions started to kick in and take over and I started crying because I was nervous and the contractions were coming so quickly and they hurt really badly.  They got us into a room and then they checked me.  My contractions were now 2 mins apart.  I had to breathe through them and Nate was really supportive and told me I was doing a wonderful job and he would let me squeeze his hand.  When they checked me I was 5/6ish cm dilated and I told them I had an OB appt earlier and they checked me then.  I also told them all the info they needed to know and the nurse was shocked they let me go home.  She was not too happy about that.  

They monitored me for a good hour and decided to admit me because my contractions were consistently 2 mins apart...they called me their problem child because it came on so quickly that once I got to the room they got the table that had all the instruments and stuff to deliver the baby ready.  The nurse who took over was Barb and she was wonderful unfortunately she was leaving in 30 mins so Becky took over for her.  Becky was an awesome nurse.  She had 7 kids and was pregnant with her 8th and had delivered them all naturally.  Nate & I were thinking that this was a gift from God because he gave us just the right nurse to help me do it naturally.  After my experience with Nataleigh I did not want anything to force me to go sooner than what my body wanted.  She was extremely understanding and very helpful.  

We called Nate's parents and brothers/sisters to let them all know what was going on.  I asked Becky if it would be possible to get into the jacuzzi to help me relax and breath through the contractions.  She said I would be able to be in it for 1 hour and after 30 mins she would have to check the heart beat to make sure that everything was fine.  She did that and it was fine.  Another 30 mins past and then it was time to get out.  Well this is the not so fun part of the story...no I didn't go into labor as soon as I got out of the tub but the opposite...my contractions stopped or at least slowed down and they were now about every 15 mins

Becky suggested I get on the birthing ball and move my hips around to see if that would start things up again.  I was on that for an hour and still no change.  When she checked me I was dilated to about a 6 and I was at a -2 station.  The doctor said he could break my water but because the baby was still too high up it was not a good idea because if the umbilical cord got between his head and my pelvis then it could cut off the oxygen to the baby and I would have to have an emergency c-section.  We decided to wait to break my water.  I got back into bed and switched positions a few times about every 45 mins but nothing seemed to help kick start my contractions.  She checked me again a few hours later and nothing had changed so she suggested I go for a walk and come back in an hour.  So I walked around for a good 40 mins and walked up and down from the 4th floor to the main floor and back up twice.  Still my contractions were about 10-15 mins apart. 
I was feeling discouraged and tired at this point because it was near 1:30 am and nothing was happening.  We got back to the room and Becky checked me again...no change so she talked to the dr and he suggested that I take a nap since nothing was happening and maybe after I woke up things would have progressed a little bit.  I finally fell asleep around 3am only to be woken up by the girl across the hall screaming in pain because she was having her baby...it was now 445.  The dr came in to our room around 5am to check me and see where we were...well FINALLY there was a small change...He said I was at 4/5cm dilated but I was at a -1 station and it was safe enough to break my water at this point.  Nate & I talked it over and agreed to let him break my water.  After that the contractions started coming....HALLELUJAH!!!   They were every 7 mins apart and were pretty painful.  I had to breathe through them again but at least I was making progress and it looked like we were going to have the baby today! 

 The contractions really started to pick up and were getting really painful.  I talked to Nate and told him I wasn't sure if I could do it naturally (this was around 6am) Shift change was getting ready to happen so we told Becky that I wanted to get an interthecal...which is like a one-time injection in the back instead of a constant drip like an epidural....so she told us that Barb would get that around and they would get it started after they got out of report if that was fine with me.  We agreed and they did what they had to do but my contractions were now about 3-5 mins apart and I was so very uncomfortable.  Barb got there and said to us, "I told you not to wait for me to have that baby!"  I was glad to have Barb back.  She knew last night going into this that I wanted to do it naturally and then today she talked to me about the interthecal and started to get things around for it.  

Well around 645 I was like I need it...I need it...I need to go to the bathroom...so Nate & Barb helped me to the bathroom and I had a few hard contractions but Barb was EXCELLENT and helped me breath through them.  I laid my head on her and she rubbed my back and brushed my hair out of my face.  She helped me to focus and breathe through them.  She said we need to get off the toilet so I can check you...we don't want to have the baby in the toilet now...I agreed and said that would be disgusting so they helped me back into bed and I was dilated to 8cm and was 80-90% effaced..I don't remember what station I was at but she told me that I needed to lie on my left side so that the baby would be in a better position for me so that when I was ready to push it would be better for both of us.  

My contractions were so painful I could hardly stand it.  I would start to hyperventilate but then Barb would tell me in a calm voice you can do this...it only painful for 15-20 seconds and you can do this…take control, focus and breath through it...slow your breathing down.  I said, "I want the interthecal I want it I need it!!!"  She said, “Okay, okay, I will go get the Anesthesiologist and we will get it started for you.” Only I wouldn't let her leave my room.  I would start to have a bad contraction and I would call out to her....Barb....BARB...and she would be right back by my side, holding my hand and helping me breathe through them.  Now Nate was still here holding my hand but he didn't know how to comfort me or what to say to help me stay calm so he just let Barb take over and be my rock.  I still squeezed the dickens out of his hand though: D  

Barb told me to lay on my back so she could check me when I was ready and I flipped over and I was now at 9.5cm dilated and I told her I need to push...she said okay go ahead...so I did....I was screaming OUCH...and pushing at the same time....She told Nate to push the call button and she said the operator...Call Dr. Pastoriza...we have a baby on the way.  I kept pushing because I wanted him out like yesterday!  Barb told Nate with a little more excitement in her voice push the call light...she said, "Is Dr. Pastoriza coming????"  The lady answered back, "He is walking down the hall now."  Just then he walked into the room and was casual and said, "Hey how is everyone doing?"  Barb just looked and him and said, "You don't have time to talk you need to get dressed now!"  He gowned up and told me to push but not scream....use that energy to push harder so I did....and pop...out Adam came.  I pushed for a total of 5 mins I think and he was out.  I tore in the front a little but not bad.  Barb was excellent and helped me through the hardest part of labor.  When I was on my side breathing through the contractions she knew I could do it without the interthecal and so was kind of stalling.  She knew I was close so if she just held off long enough it would almost be done.  I was so thankful that she was our nurse.  I was so proud of myself for doing it naturally and I know Nate was proud of me too!  

Adam David Buchinger was born at 7:43am on 3/10/11.  He weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 20 3/4" long.  He had a nice shaped head probably because he wasn't in my birth canal long enough to get a misshaped head!  Here are some pictures of our little guy!

 Before I had Adam
 Nate & I right after the birth
 Dr. Pastoriza and Adam
 Nate measuring his foot
 Daddy kissing his little boy
 7lbs 1oz 20 3/4" long
 Our newest bundle of joy!
 Nate loves his son so much already!
 Introducing....Adam David Buchinger
 I love them so much!
 The best L&D nurse EVER, Barb!
Meemaw & Adam
 Nana & Adam
 Momma & Adam
 My precious baby boy!
 So Sweet!
 Sleepy head!
 Love this one!
 Nana, Papa & Adam
 Going home :D
Going home after one day :D  YAY!!!

Well that is all for now...till next time!!!

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