About Me

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Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One month already!!!

I cannot believe my baby boy is a month old already!  It seems like I just had him yesterday!

Weight: this one is hard to believe but I weighed him last night and he weighs a whopping 11lbs 6oz!
Height: not sure on this one since I could hardly believe how much he weighs!

Eats: exclusively breastfeeding.  I am doing a schedule with Adam like I did with Nataleigh and he is doing well with it.  He usually eats every 2-3 hours.  He nurses for 15 mins on one side and 10 mins on the other...but I have to be careful because he overeats and then spits up a lot!  He also gets really bad hiccups when he eats too much.  He also will take a bottle of breastmilk which is awesome for me because when Nate has the night off he takes care of Adam so I can get in more sleep then I pump in the morning so I replenish the milk supply in the freezer.  When Adam was in the hospital, I had to pump and feed him by bottle so it was easier on him and he wouldn't get tuckered out as fast.  He would eat anywhere from 2 to 3 ounces already!  Adam is a really good nurser.  When he is hungry he wants it now and doesn't dilly dally like Nataleigh did...but I also think she wasn't as good because of how early she was.

Sleep: pretty good. He is really sleepy during the day early morning till early afternoon.  He sleeps pretty good at night as well.  He takes naps all day long which I think helps him sleep longer at night.  He sleeps in a bassinet by my side.  On occasion he sleeps next to me in bed or on my chest.

Milestones: Adam likes to smile periodically since he was born...and it is not because he has gas :D  He has a little dimple on the right side..very cute!  He is also pretty strong and is really good about holding his head up.  Nate will play airplane with him and he will straighten out like a board..it is so cute! 

Loves: his sister..I've noticed lately whenever he hears her voice he looks for her. Momma...he loves to be held and loves to sleep on me.  He still likes to be swaddled from time to time.  Playing airplane with daddy.  He likes his baths already...huge blessing there.  He only cries if he gets a chill but last night he did really well for his bath!  He doesn't mind tummy time but I wouldn't say he loves it yet...I will say he tolerates and likes it though.

Dislikes:HICCUPS!  He gets so mad when he gets them.  He is not a fan of falling asleep...depending on how tired he is sometimes he fights it and other times he gives in.

Clothes: Adam wears 0-3months in everything.  I've noticed he is pretty long and some of the sleepers are a little tight lengthwise.  He might have the same problem Graydon has!

Diapers:  Adam wears size 1 and we will start using cloth diapers soon :D

Illnesses: Unfortunately, Adam has been sick already.  He got RSV when he was only 10 days old and had to spend a week in the hospital.  He had low oxygen levels in his blood when he would sleep and it would get too low so he had to be on oxygen for a few days.  Every time they tried to ween him off of it his levels would dip back down but finally they got him weened and we were able to go home :D

We don't have many comments on him because we haven't taken him out really since he was born.  We took a trip to the mall and to the grocery store but he was covered up and that was before he got sick.  Near the end of the month is when the doctors told us we could start taking him out to public places.  So next month I'm sure we will start getting more comments on him.

Here are a few pictures of him throughout the month.

 Daddy & his boy after we got home from the hospital
 Adam & Meemaw
 Mommy, Meemaw & Adam
 Grandpa & Adam
Mommy & Daddy with our baby
Sleeping..he is so cute here!
 We caught him sucking his thumb here..19 days old here
Smiling at 6 days old
 In the hospital on oxygen...16 days old
 Back at home..with his teddy bear from Meemaw & Grandpa
 Strong boy doing tummy time
Love this picture of him!
So awake here..he was 3 1/2 weeks old here.
 Not sure why this one won't upload how I took it...but you get it..he's smiling again
 Nataleigh loves her baby brother!  She always wants to hug and kiss him!
 Beautiful blue eyes!
 Smiling away!
 Nataleigh laid down next to him and said, "night night!"
 sucking on his hand
 sitting in momma's glider-1 month
 Look at how big I am Mom!
Love this one!

Well that is all for now...till next time!


  1. He is changing so much! He is so nice and filled out already too....love his chins :)

  2. Wow, 11 lbs.!!! Glad he is so healthy now and loved all the new pics!! Miss them babes so much!!
