About Me

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Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nataleigh 21 months

I was way to busy to do a 20 month update on Nataleigh so this is a combined post :D

Stats: Nataleigh weighs around 25 lbs and is about half my height...

Diapers:  Nataleigh wears size 4 in disposable diapers.  We stopped using cloth diapers a few months ago..but we are planning on potty training her within the next few months.

Clothes: Nataleigh is growing out of her 18 month clothes and is mostly wearing 24 months...she has some 18 month things that still fit though. She wears a size 6 in shoes. I can hardly keep up with her growing feet...I feel like I am constantly getting the next size for her to wear!

Teeth:  Nataleigh has a mouth full!  I believe she has 6 teeth on the top and 6 on the bottom.  She has 2 more coming in on the top and 2 more coming in on the bottom.  They are almost done breaking through the gums so I will be so pleased once that is done!

Food:  Nataleigh loves to eat what we eat.  She definitely knows what she wants and will often tell me in the morning meemaw..which is banana to her.  She will also say cereal another one of her favorites for breakfast.  She loves her PB&J with milk except for she calls it nilk...I'm working on that one.  She doesn't like her food to be cut up because she is a big girl now and won't eat it if you do (haha found that one out the hard way!)  She loves juice also but I won't give her any until she drinks her morning milk.  She loves to drink from her sippy cups still & from straws.  With a straw I can get her to drink more water that way.  She also is starting to learn how to drink from a cup...she hasn't quite learned how to do it without getting drenched yet!

Sleep: This has been a battle since the time change!  She has been going to bed between 9 and 1030! AHHH!!! Before the change I would consistently lay her down at 830 and she would be fine.  Now I have to read her several book, give her milk, brush her teeth and rock her before she is ready to go down.  I am working on getting the time moved up more.  She does however sleep until at least 8 and I usually have to wake her up so she doesn't sleep the morning away.  Nataleigh still takes a daily nap and I lay her down by 1 and she is up between 3 and 4.  It's nice!

Motor Skills: Nataleigh has been using the Your Baby Can Read program since August 2010 and is doing really well.  She can read close to 40 words now and can probably say probably more than 150 words.  She is picking up on what people say and will often repeat simple phrases back....the one she loves the most is: "I'll be back!"  She also likes to say, "Oh gosh" and "I'm gonna get you".  She is also learning to do puzzles and is getting better by the day.  She likes to color with crayons which we just started practicing with.  When she eats she likes to use her utensils but is still mastering this skill.  She knows all of her colors and loves to say them whenever she sees one.  She is learning to count also...she doesn't like to say the number 1 but will count from 2 to 10 with some help with 9 sometimes.  She is also learning her ABC's and is doing a really good job with trying to sing them.  If you ask her to sing you a song she will either start to sing her ABC's or she will hum to the tune of the lullaby I sing to her every night...so cute!  She also knows most of her body parts and whenever she is around people she will say eyes or nose or belly button which is her favorite!

Likes: Her newest favorite thing is her little brother Adam...she just loves his to pieces!  She always wants to give him a hug &/or kiss.  At nap time she loves to hold her baby in one arm and the seahorse in the other.  She loves to watch her Meet the Colors video and the other series of videos from the Your Baby Can Read collection.  She loves loves loves books.  She also likes to help me vacuum but doesn't know how to push the vacuum yet....she gets pretty excited around it though :D  Nataleigh also still sucks her thumb which we are going to break her of this habit.  She also loves to play peek-a-boo, she loves to play with Daddy and be chased by him or anyone.  She is funny too!  When you ask her to smile she will cock her head to the side and give this cheesy smile...I love it!  The last thing she likes that I can think of but is not new is she just loves to put her feet on the table or at the end of the highchair...not sure why but she has been doing this for so long and I am trying to break her of the habit...not easy to do!

Dislikes: She still HATES when I leave her in the nursery at church on Sundays, during Bible Study on Tuesdays and Mom2Mom on Thursdays. She doesn't like when I turn off her video after she has watched it once..she could probably watch it all day long but I want her to play with other things and learn other stuff.  She doesn't like when I tell her no she can't have any more juice.  She isn't a fan of having her picture taken in groups either....

I'll add pictures tonight!


  1. I am cracking up. "she isn't a fan of having her picture taken in groups" love her!!

  2. Love her picture and reading all of the post makes Meemaw MISS HER!!! I love her very special personality. xoxoxo's!
