About Me

My photo
Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clean, clean, clean!

Today has been a very successful day of yup you guessed it! CLEANING!!!! I am trying to get things in order for when that days comes when we move....and it's not that far away. I thought I should be proactive about it and start small. So this afternoon I tackled the desk...check! Then I moved onto some boxes that I have kept some random stuff in since we moved here (books on child birthing, expired coupons, cards, etc) and I got rid of the expired stuff and stuff I don't need or don't want anymore..check! I am feeling lighter already! The fun part about it was having Nataleigh with me in the living room as I was trying to sort stuff into piles...hmmm....not a bright idea with a baby that is VERY curious and likes to get into anything she can get her little hands on! So lets just say I said the word "NO" about 100 times and did it work...um....NO! So I had to move my piles higher! I did get through 1 box which was amazing and I feel more organized...Another good thing is I found my ARRT card (American Registry for Radiologic Technologists) which I need for work...I got an email last week stating my boss needs a copy of my updated card. Quite a relief to know I found it in my mess!

Nataleigh has been doing so good with her schedule...she is much happier and I just love being her momma! She is so vocal and loves to say consonants especially dada, pa, mama, na, ga and fa! She is so cute! She is scooting backwards and turning in all directions on her belly....I think she is getting close to going forward and crawling! Like I said earlier she loves to get into anything. Her newest thing is she loves boxes! I will have to take a picture and add it later!

Nate has 39 days left till he graduates from Bethel! Woo hoo!!! Just an update on special dates to keep in mind & in your prayers: April 16th Nate has his second interview with Allegiance Health in Jackson, MI @ 11am; April 22 is Nate's final @ 10am; April 28 Nate is receiving an award for his academic achievements; May 1 Nate's graduation! These next 5 1/2 weeks are going to go by so fast! Thank you for your prayers...I know we both appreciate them!

Hope everyone had a wonderful day! Till next time!


  1. Fun fun, gotta love cleaning!!

  2. Can't wait til Easter weekend...but you will not be cleaning my house :)...I think we'll tackle it this weekend, if we get some time away from the store!! I still want Nate to do the windows though, if we have time.
