About Me

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Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

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Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

7 Things Sunday

I apologize for not getting this out yesterday....my life has been extremely busy! 

Here we go!

1. Nate graduates in 13 more days!  YEAH!!!  Sorry I keep having this but it is so stinkin' exciting I can't help it!  My husband has worked hard and I think it is very important to cheer him on and encourage him...I feel it's part of my job as a wife to support him!

2. Nate had his interview on Friday for the ER position in Jackson, MI which he thought didn't go as well as he'd like but he has a good chance of getting it still!  Out of 140 applicants it has come down to 25 and only 8-10 get the job!  I know he should definitely be one of the 8-10! 

3. Another cool thing that happened Friday was I met with my old boss and dropped off my resume!  We chatted and then she said well while I have you here do you mind if I ask you some tough questions??!!!  I was so excited to have an impromptu interview!  She did ask some toughies but I felt I did great! Plus I wasn't nervous since I already knew her.  Her name is Amy and she has been the imaging manager since Nov '09.  She use to be my clinical coordinator when I was in x-ray school.  She was also at our wedding..so I felt really comfortable and confident that if Nate gets the job I won't have any trouble getting a job either!  Thank you LORD!!!

4. On a different note, from a job perspective I feel it is my job to put my patient's safety and health first...it was challenged yesterday but I feel I did the right thing and I am praying I have my boss's backing!  I can't go into detail because of HIPPA laws and privacy but I am not willing to do x-rays on someone if I know that it could hurt them worse or possibly even kill them!

5. Today I am going to start working out.  I need to lose 20-30 pounds before the wedding in August (my brother-in-law is getting married) so I decided this last weekend that I need to get serious and I thought I would take it one step at a time in the right direction...first things first...start working out!  Stay tuned to see how well I do!  woo hoo!!!

6. Little miss Nataleigh is quite the little one these days!  She is all over the place rolling around!  She is starting to get on all 4 so I think she will start crawling any time now!  She is FINALLY teething!!!!!!!!  I have been saying this since she was 3 months old....I was bound to be right at some point and that point is now!  Only it doesn't feel good being right because when I nurse her it doesn't feel the best so this is going to be an interesting 3 months!  I am planning on nursing till she is 1 year old!  Also, she is taking steps when you hold her hand and is getting better and better.  Nate & I started her on carrots Saturday and she loves them!  Looking forward to getting her started on more solids.

7.  Yesterday at church the service was awesome!  I really felt like God was speaking directly to me.  Everything was moving and I haven't felt this connected to Him in a long time!  Pastor preached one verse Titus 2:15 but it was his message that I feel opened my eyes.  In order for us to teach our children correctly we need to be in the word and be armed with the word of God.  This will prepare us and open our eyes to deceptions around us.  I feel like I have been deceiving myself in many ways.  I know I can be a better mom and wife with God's help.  Also in Sunday school we talked about maintaining a strong and healthy marriage and it was so refreshing to hear things/ideas to keep our marriage strong.  At one point Nate & I looked at each other no words were spoken but we knew we weren't giving our marriage 100%.    I'm not saying our marriage is bad.  I love Nate with all my heart and he is so good to me, we have just been preoccupied by life and everything that comes with it.  When God created this world the last thing he created was man.  He then created woman and this made the primary relationship.  It was before parents and kids...so that opened our eyes well at least mine because I know I have not been putting Nate first and I need to re-prioritize to make sure I have my relationships in a correct order so that I can experience and even greater joy in this life!  Don't get me wrong Nataleigh is not going to suffer but will be even healthier because she will feel safe and secure knowing her parents have a strong relationship/marriage!

These are a few things that spoke to me yesterday and I thought I would share them with you!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Till next time!


  1. Emileigh you are so positive and ambitious, I love it...makes me want to be more motivated and a better person!
