About Me

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Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 29, 2010

7 Things Sunday

Wow.....so this is really late.  Without any more delay here are my 7 things!

1. Nate will find out today (hopefully) whether he got a job at Allegiance Health so we are trying to wait patiently!

2. Nate also graduates on Saturday!  We can't believe it's already here...it feels like we just moved down here!

3. I'm so excited for this one!  I GOT A HAIRCUT!!!  I have been wanting to cut my hair for so long!  This last weekend I went to my sister-in-laws house and she cut it for me!  Thanks so much Anne...here are some before and after pics


This is how I styled it....Anne did a much better job than I did but I don't have any pictures from when she did it.

4.  Little miss Nataleigh is getting on all fours and rocking back and forth...sometimes she lunges forward but hasn't quite figured out the whole crawling thing yet.  She is also starting to cruise!  My life is about to change once she masters these two skills!  She also loves to stand against furniture and pound on them...it's cute :D  So I said a couple weeks ago that Nataleigh is starting to teethe....I was RIGHT!!!  I looked in her mouth yesterday morning and she has a couple of tooth buds that look like they are getting ready to poke through!  On the flip side I am lacking some major zzzz's!  I don't think I slept but maybe 3 or 4 hours last night and it was also interrupted.  Please pray for some good sleep tonight and this weekend since it is going to be so busy!

Here are a couple pictures of Nataleigh.

                         Nataleigh in her crib trying to crawl.
Trying to lookout of the window at one of the apartments we may move to if Nate gets the job.

                                    One of my favorite pictures!

       I know this picture isn't very clear but you can clearly see two buds!

5. Our family has been going through a lot of trials...I'm not going to go into details but if you could please keep us in your prayers my family would greatly appreciate it!

6. My future sister in law has decided on the dress for the bridesmaid dresses for her wedding...and the winner is:

The one strap!  Now does anyone have any good arm exercises since mine look like elephant arms???  Please let me know!

7. Last but not least....this one has been difficult to think of but here it is.  Motherhood is a very interesting thing.  We care for our children 24/7/365 and it is so rewarding.  The other day Nataleigh was having  a rough day (she was really tired and teething) and I was holding her and she fell asleep on my shoulder!  I was so amazed!!!  Nataleigh is a very independent little girl and isn't very cuddly but she was for a few days and both Nate and myself got to hold her and cuddle with her till she fell asleep on us.  We were at Walmart today shopping for some baby stuff and we were in the clothing section and came across some preemie outfits....(Nataleigh was 3 1/2 weeks early so she could only fit into preemie clothes) and we were amazed how much she has grown and how tiny she was when she came into this world.  Nate said, "I want a baby!"  I agreed but in the Lord's timing :D

Well that is all for now....I will have a new 7 Things Sunday this coming Sunday....things will hopefully be more calm and I will have more time to get it done.

Till next time!

1 comment:

  1. That pic of Nataleigh in the crib is so cute and you can totally see those teeth coming through, wow!! I think you did a great job styling your hair, it looks so cute. I am glad you like it!
