About Me

My photo
Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My to do list!

Since it is getting to be crunch time with Nate graduating I have to have my "A-game" on and get to cracking at getting some things done around the apartment.  First thing to do: make invitations for his graduation.  CHECK!  Made them yesterday and I am sending them out today...so excited!  They turned out really well and Nate liked them....BONUS!!  Next thing to do is get some party stuff for decorations....CHECK!  I did that a few weeks ago when I was at my in-laws house.  It was so much fun going shopping with Dottie & Nataleigh!  I bought the paper plates, cups, plastic ware and plastic table covers.  I already have the clubhouse at our apartments booked for his party so one more thing to check off my list!  YAY!  I love when my list starts to dwindle down!  I also ordered a cake for the party...I changed the design a little bit from what the store had so now it looks great!  Hopefully it will taste great too!

Nataleigh hasn't been feeling very well the last couple of days so I wasn't able to finish my post from the other day.  This morning I deep cleaned the kitchen so that it will be ready for a final inspection as we get ready to move hopefully in May.  I cleaned for 3 hours....scrubbing the floor by hand, cleaning the cupboards, stove, countertops, walls, dishwasher and microwave.  I still need to clean inside the oven, microwave and fridge.  I love having a clean kitchen.  It makes me feel great!  I spend so much time in there so I like having it clean & smelling good!

I decided I am going to deep clean one room at a time before we get ready to move and just keep up on the other rooms until they are all deep cleaned!  If Nate's interview goes well we might know something by next week and then the real fun will begin.  Packing, cleaning and moving!  Looking forward to it and having more space!  Please keep Nate in your prayers for his interview on Friday at 11!  He has the very last interview and I think that's important to leave them with the last impression.  That's all for now!

Till next time!

p.s. Nate graduates in only 18 more days!  woo hoo!


  1. Congratulations, we'll be praying that the Lord blesses him with favor and he gets the job that he chooses :)

  2. Way to go Emileigh!!! You sound like you are SO ready to get things moving! Very excited for you guys.
