About Me

My photo
Naples, Florida, United States
Hi my name is Emileigh and I am married to my wonderful husband Nate. We have two children, Nataleigh (5) and Adam (3). I'm a stay-at-home-mom. I have a degree in applied science with my major focusing on Radiography.

Our Anniversary Ticker

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Nataleigh's Ticker

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Adam's Ticker

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, April 19, 2010

"Gorgeous Blogger Award"

Thank you Anne for this super cute award!

The rules for this award go as followed:
* Accept & thank the fellow bloggie who gave this to you
* List 10 things about yourself
* List 5 additional things that you don't like
* Award this to 10 other fellow bloggies

Ok, here we go then:
1- I like peanut butter and I think jelly is ok but I do not like them together...weird I know!
2- I love to make jewelry!  I have done a few weddings and love to be creative with it!
3- My favorite place to go out to eat is Olive Garden or Hacienda!  They are both so yummy!
4-When I got married I was still a picky eater and Nate told me that I have to try at least something once before I say I don't like it because as you get older your taste buds change and boy am I glad he talked me into doing so because I have really liked some interesting food! 
5- I do not dye my hair...it's all natural!  I would like to donate it again if I am patient enough to grow it out again!
6- I am so happy I am almost down to my pre-pregnancy shape!  I can fit into most of my clothes from before I was pregnant!  Super exciting for me! 
7-I am not a huge fan of reading but I do like to read to Nataleigh and I hope she likes to read as she gets older!
8- I collect Willow Tree Figurines and just love them and what they mean!
9- I like making my own baby food for Nataleigh!  It's way cheaper and I like knowing that I control what her little body is taking in!
10- I was robbed as a bank teller November 18, 2008 right around the time of conception...so I know my little girl is a fighter!  Bonus:  The robber was caught shortly after and is now in jail/prison! 

Now for 5 things I don't like:
1- People who do not know how to drive and/or do not obey traffic laws. It is not an "option" to use your blinker.....it is also common courtesy!  I agree with Anne on this one especially when I have Nataleigh in the car I want everyone to drive safely around us!
2- I don't like a dirty house...it drives me nuts...so after I'm done with this post I'm going to clean! clean! clean!
3- I don't like mushrooms....they are disgusting!
4- I don't like cars that have loud music or exhausts...they drive me crazy as well!
5- When someone is wearing way too much perfume/cologne and it's like they took a bath in it. Ditto Anne...it also gives me a super bad headache!

Now, I shall pass on this award to the following lucky ladies:

Megan- Our Journey...
Kelly- Nurse Mamma
Steph- Somewhat Simple
Kimbo- a girl and a glue gun
Amy- The idea room
Tina- The Common Cents Home
Jane- Finding Fabulous
Sarah- Thrifty Decor Chick
Kimm- Reinvented
Wenderful- Wenderful 365

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your number 4 as well. I do not know how many times people come driving down our street and I think into the future about how that will disturb a sleeping baby...so frustrating!
